The faire will come alive this year with music, dance, comedy, and feats of combat! Come and be dazzled by acts at our stages including The Bonnie Brae, The Thornberry, The Butternut, The Willow, and the tavern's Lazy Oak Stage.
Ren in the Glen Entertainers 2024
The Seelie Court of the Faerie Queen The Faerie Queen and her court have arrived in the Glen!
Kingdom of the Shires Armored Medieval combat.
Dance Caravan Renaissance style belly dance.
Bards at Large Songs and tales from Britain and Ireland
Ravenscroft Musicke Guild Elizabethan music.
Bard the Bowman Archery - shoot the longbow!
The Hounds of Dublin Irish music
General Hardware Border Morris Dancers Folk dancing from the border of England and Wales.
Gaelically Speaking Teaching Scottish Gaelic language, culture and history.
Barry the MacEwan (from Atlantic Wave) songs of Scotland and Ireland.
Loch and Loaded Scottish folk tunes: ballads, bothies, boat, and bar songs.
The Inland Seas Traditional pub songs and ballads.
Countersong Harp music accompanied by songs in English and Sindarin.
Sycamore Gap Traditional folk music.
Vasa Luminis Period music from across Europe ranging from the early Medieval to the Golden Age of balladry.
Aluma The Littlest Dragon The littlest dragon's quest to breathe fire!
Kipp the Conjurer Conjuring, incredible escapes, and daring demonstrations of danger.
Bekkatryxx Medieval and Renaissance music on recorder and autoharp.
Geoffrey Trapper Ranger – Teller of Tales.